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Founded in 1963, the Bowlers Country Club is a nonprofit volunteer club opened as a retreat for families seeking unity and fun.  We are a year-round facility because we are one of only five country clubs in the US that offer both a 9-hole golf course and a 14-lane bowling alley.  


Certificate Members



New members pay an initiation fee of $160.00


-Membership for entire family includes spouse and children under age of 23


-Ability to bring guests to functions and activities

-Ability to purchase a seasonal golf pass

-Ages 16-18 Youth Golf Season Pass $85


-Voting privileges


-Ability to rent out buffet hall



Associate Members



-Single individuals wanting to join golf or bowling leagues


-Youth membership card $5

   * Ages 15 and under no charge

   *Ages 16+ pay regular prices 







Green Fees-$12/9 holes, $14/18 holes (weekday rates)


$13/9 holes, $15/18 holes (weekend rates Fri-Sun)


Pull Cart Rental-$3 deposit.


Cart Fee-$15/9 holes, $20/18 holes (refundable deposit $5)


Open Bowling-$3.00 per game


Shoe rental is $1.00.


*Must be accompanied by a Certificate Member

** Prices subject to change** 

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